New Delhi: Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) released notification for Civil Service (Preliminary) Examination 2018. This notification is common for Civil Service and Indian Forest Service.
Expected number of vacancies which will be filled based on the results of the exam is 782. Out 782 vacancies, 32 are reserved for persons with Benchmark Disability Category.
It may be mentioned that this examination is meant for the recruitment of 24 different vacancies and posts.
Candidates should be graduate and citizen of Indian in order to be eligible for Indian Administrative Service and Indian Police Service. Age limit for general category candidates is 32 years as on 1st August 2018.
It may be noted that the examination will be conducted in two stages, Civil Service Preliminary and Civil Service Mains (Written and Interview). Marks obtained in written and Interview will be considered for ranking.
As per the notification, Civil Services Preliminary Examination is scheduled to be held on 3rd June 2018.
Interested and eligible candidate can apply online. The last date to apply is 6th March 2018 till 6 p.m. Exam fee for candidates belonging to General Category is Rs. 100. However, Female, SC/ST and Persons with Benchmark Disability Candidates are exempted from payment of a fee.
For further details, aspirants can visit the official website of UPSC (Click here).