Srinagar : The higher authorities of the CRPF (Central Reserve Police Force) opened a school within the premises of the Recruit Training Centres (RTC) to facilitate better education opportunities to their children.
President of welfare Community, CRPF, Pratima Srivastava, while speaking to ANI, said, “There was a growing concern among the parents to send their children outside the RTC premises for education due to the unrest prevailing in the Valley.”
“But now the problem is resolved after the school is opened within the premises and parents are relieved to send their children to the school where they are more safe,” she added.
The school has hired teachers from the CRPF families to encourage their livelihood.
A parent named Pooja said, “The ambience of the school is really nice and friendly in compared to other schools in the Valley. Our children are well treated and guided by the teachers. We are really relieved about the children’s safety as they remain within the premises.” (ANI)