New Delhi: To mark Dussehra festivities on Saturday evening, PM Modi had to take aim at Ravana with a crossbow and arrow. However, the arrow could not reach Ravana for the first time and PM Modi had to throw it with his hand.
The tall Ravana effigy was installed at the Red Fort Ground in New Delhi. Prime Minister Modi was quick enough to judge that the crossbow will not be able to hit a shot as it broke, hence he threw the arrow like a javelin.
Former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and President Ram Nath Kovind were also present on the stage sitting next to Mr Modi.
On Saturday itself, hours before PM’s visit, the Ravana’s effigy was uprooted due to winds. However, it was replaced.
Also Read: Hours before PM Modi’s visit, winds uproot Ravana effigy
Addressing the gathering present there, PM Modi said festivals are not mere events of festivities but are also a medium to educate the society. He said these festivals keep us aware of the values in the society and teach us to live together as one community.
“I urge everyone to ‘Sankalp’ of positive contribution to the nation by 2022 when the nation celebrates its 75th year of Independence,” PM Modi added.
Dussehra, also known as Vijayadashami, is a festival that celebrates Hindu god Ram’s victory over Ravana and the triumph of good over evil.
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