Amroha: The police on Wednesday caught hold of a criminal with a bounty of Rs 20,000 on his head, while another managed to escape after an encounter in the forest area here.
“In the Saidangali area of Fatehpur village under the Amroha district, police had received information from sources about a criminal Raees hiding in the forest area there. He had a bounty of Rs 20,000 on his head,” said Amroha Superintendent of Police of Vipin Tada.
“The police went there to apprehend the criminal. An encounter broke out between the police and the criminals in which Raees sustained an injury from a gunshot and the police nabbed him. One police constable Bharat Singh also got injured. They have been referred to the district hospital for treatment,” he added.
The police recovered one country-made pistol, three firearms, Rs 4200 cash and a motorbike from the criminal’s possession.