Hyderabad: Anjani Kumar, Commissioner of Police, Hyderabad City, said that crime in the Hyderabad City has reduced by three per cent this year, as compared to the last year.
“It is noticed that overall 3 per cent crime reduced this year as compared to the year 2018,” Kumar said.
“This year, 15,598 cases were registered while 16,084 cases were registered in 2018. In 2018, a total of 78 murders were reported and this year the figure has reduced by three per cent and 76 murders took place. The reduction in rape cases also reduced by 16 per cent this year compared to 2018,” Kumar added.
The official further stated that fatal roads accidents also decreased to 261, while in 2018 the deaths were 293.
“To keep the roads safer, the Drunk and Drive initiative has been taken up and 27,737 cases were registered. In 2018, 26,856 drunk and drive cases were registered. This year we have also detained around 20 Nigerians who were involved in different crimes in the Hyderabad City,” Kumar said.