Crime rate comes down in AP in 2022:DGP Reddy

Amaravati: Crime rate in Andhra Pradesh has come down in 2022 to 2,31,359 cases from 2,84,753 in 2021, by undertaking visible policing, awareness programmes and effective management of women police services, among other activities, DGP K.V. Rajendranath Reddy said on Wednesday.

A report released by him said as many as 945 murder cases were registered in 2021, while in 2022 it was only 857.

According to him, the overall conviction rate stood at 66 percent even as over one lakh cases have been settled through Lok Adalat.

Crime against women has come down due to geo mapping of crime-prone areas, use of Disha App and constant vigil buy women police, he said. However, there is slight increase in domestic violence cases in the State.

The DGP said there is an increase of cyber crimes in 2022 as against 2021.

The official said about 2.45 lakh kg of ganja was seized during the year.