Crime meeting held in novel manner in Cyberabad

In a new exercise, Cyberabad Police Commissioner C.V. Anand, conducted a crime meeting on July 2 and 3, in an innovative manner. Doing away with the old method of the CP and other senior officers addressing the concerned SHOs and ACPs, in this exercise called COMSTAT (Computer Statistics) in NewYork and other police forces, the concerned Zonal DCP along with his ACPs, Crime Inspectors, SIs and CCS Staff got onto the stage and gave a report of the crime situation in their respective Zones, divisions and Police Station area.
In a meeting focused on property crime due to recent spurt in snatchings and house breaking offences, the DCP has to explain the total property offences occurring in his area, the number of cases detected, property recovered and so on. The DCP has to explain the steps being taken to prevent property offences, to detect them, the problems being faced by him like any officers not showing much interest in his work or mobility or other issues.
The DCP was asked several questions by the CP, Jt. CP and other DCPs about his strategy and corrections were suggested. Similarly, the ACP and the Crime Inspector/Sub-Inspectors had to explain their performance and questions about their respective areas. This gives an opportunity for the concerned officers to express themselves and also defend and explain their performance rather than a one-sided communication. It makes them more responsible for their actions.
An action plan was evolved to control and detect property offences in Cyberabad. The police officials were instructed to use latest technology in prevention and detection of crime. A number of non-bailable warrants were pending against important property offenders. Counselling to Jail released property offenders was suggested with their family members, relatives, friends and elders. Verifying the complicity and Modus operandi of property offenders was suggested and a vigil on pawn brokers and receivers of stolen property. Apprehending and verifying complicity of absconding property offenders was also suggested.
To prevent and detect property offences, specific directions were issued to Detective Inspectors, Detective Sub-Inspectors to improve and check out their performance the following weekly performance proformas issued them.
The Cyberabad Police has decided to conduct an education campaign through pamphlets and posters to create awareness about various type of offences and educating the public to make them alert about offenders and to take proper precautionary measures.
“In the pamphlets and posters, the Cyberabad police have given some suggestions in connection with frequent occurring property offences like house breakings in day and night. Gold Chains, bags and cell phones snatchings from women. Attention diversion property offences by pseudo police. Cheating on the pretext of polishing of gold ornaments. Cheating offences by showing the fake Gold as original gold. Attention diversion gangs. Made servant thefts. Automobile thefts like Motor Cycle, Car at parking places. Laptop thefts. Dacoity.
Beware of fake police personnel
The Commissioner of Police appealed to the public to remain vigilant about property offenders of different Modus operandi and take proper precautionary measures to prevent property offences and loss of their property. “Your Safety is Our Concern” is Motto of Cyberabad Police. (NSS)