Mumbai: Actor Kareena Kapoor Khan who is in jovial mood these days, has shared a new picture of her son Taimur Ali Khan. Amidst the on-going IPL tournament, Bebo too to her Instagram and shared an adorable picture of her little munchkin, Taimur enjoying his cricket match.
In the photo, Taimur Ali Khan can be seen wielding a cricket bat that is definitely too big for him. Sharing the post, Kareena wrote, ‘Any place in the IPL? I can play too’. Check out the Instagram post below.
The post instantly started getting numerous likes and comments. Priyanka Chopra Jonas who is a dear friend of Bebo commented, “In the genes!” While Karishma Kapoor showered love on her nephew. She wrote, “So cute.”
I would want Taimur to be a cricketer: Kareena
In an interview in 2018, Kareena Kapoor has talked about her wish that Taimur becomes a cricket star like his grandfather when he grows up. “Well, I would want Taimur to be a cricketer,” she had said in an interview in 2018. She said it again on a dance reality show last year.
She said that she wishes her son, Taimur Ali Khan becomes a cricketer like his grand father, Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, popularly known as ‘Tiger Pataudi’ because of his outstanding fielding skills.
Tiger Pataudi has also been described as one of the greatest Indian cricket team captains ever. Moreover, Taimur’s brother and Saif Ali Khan’s elder son Ibrahim Ali Khan is also spotted playing cricket with much dedication.
Taimur Ali Khan’s interest
Earlier during an interaction, Saif had revealed that Taimur Ali Khan is not interested in cricket. He said, “I have tried to get him to play cricket. He is not interested in cricket or football. He is interested in singing, dancing and painting. He likes to make faces. Right now, he thinks he’s Lord Rama. He loves Ramayan.”
Kareena, her husband Saif Ali Khan and Taimur Ali Khan are in Pataudi with Saif’s mother, veteran actor Sharmila Tagore. Kareena, who is pregnant with her second child, had gone to Delhi to shoot for her upcoming film Laal Singh Chaddha with Aamir Khan.