Hyderabad: Narayanguda police on Sunday flat No. 501, Stithapragnya Apartment on Street No. 5, Himayath Nagar and busted organized cricket betting gang and arrested three accused — Racharla Karthik Kumar alias Bablu, Racharla Kishore and Wilson Anthony — while they were accepting cricket betting amounts directly and indirectly over cell phones for the ongoing IPL 2018 Cricket match between Sun Risers Hyderabad Vs Rajasthan Royals playing at Jaipur, Rajasthan and seized cash of Rs 9,000, one LED TV, one Tab, two notebooks with betting entries and three Cell phones from possession of the accused.
Police said, however, 12 accused, including 10 punters belonging to the twin cities were absconding. They are: Raj Pranay Rao alias Sunny, Azhar, Rajiv, Yaswanth, Shravan, Nitin, Mathew, Ajju, Buchanna, Naresh, Srikanth Raoand Ramesh.
The police said the accused were running Cricket betting at flat No. 501, Stithapragnya Apartment, Street No. 5, Himayath Nagar, and were accepting Cricket betting amounts on the ongoing IPL-2018 Cricket match between Sun Risers Hyderabad Vs Rajasthan Royals playing at Jaipur. The arrested accused along with seized property were handed over to SHO, Narayanguda PS.
The raid was conducted under the supervision of G. Biksham Reddy, ACP, Abids Division and B. Ravinder, Inspector, Narayanguda PS by Ch. Shankar, SI with the assistance of staff of Narayanguda P.S. (NSS)