Create clear framework of vaccine liability for manufacturer: Parl panel tells Health Ministry

New Delhi: The Parliamentary Standing Committee on Health has recommended the Health Ministry create a clear framework of vaccine liability for the manufacturer in case of Adverse Effect Following Immunisation (AEFI).

“The Committee also notes that Covid-19 vaccination is voluntary and presently, there is no mechanism of compensation to beneficiaries or liability of vaccine manufacturer in case of any Adverse Event Following Immunisation. The Committee, therefore, strongly recommends the Ministry to create a clear framework of vaccine liability for manufacturer in case of AEFI so that adequate compensation can be provided to the aggrieved individuals,” said the panel in its report.

Observing the under-reporting and poor quality data collection a reason behind reporting of such less number of AEFI, the Committee has taken note of the unusual peak on July 10 where 743 such cases were reported.

“The Committee would like to be apprised of the reason behind this sudden rise in the cases and the vaccines that caused the adverse reaction,” it said.

The report noted that mild side effects after administering of the vaccines are usually reported as the body requires time to adjust to the vaccination dose. “However, the Committee feels that the Ministry must ensure that possible adverse effects are communicated to the people followed by timely treatment. Attention of the Committee is also brought to the death of a patient post Covid-19 vaccination,” the panel said in the report.

It also said “that in the concerned case, the AEFI Committee released its assessment Report after almost seven months. The Committee strongly recommends the Ministry to ensure that appropriate investigation must be done and AEFI Committee must expedite its examination of each adverse cases”.

Stressing that there is a need to monitor and conduct surveillance of post-Covid complications, the Committee has also recommended the Ministry frame a treatment protocol and make specific guidelines for managing post-Covid complications and related health problems arising due to the initial infection.

The Ministry must also work towards sensitising the Indian public health system to deal with such cases of long Covid, it said, adding that it further recommends the Ministry to ensure medical support for long Covid sufferers and train the healthcare workers for managing patients with long Covid.