Finding fault with the ruling TRS party for openly extending their support to the PRTU candidate contesting in the Hyderabad, Rangareddy and Mahabubnagar Teachers Constituency MLC elections, CPI alleged that the ruling party MLAs, MLCs, Corporators and Ministers were threatening the teachers, headmasters and lecturers, who were extending their support to other than PRTU candidate, through their managements and tempting them by misusing the power.
In a note, CPI state secretary Chada Venkat Reddy alleged that the ruling party leaders were threatening the STU leaders by entering directly their residences. He urged the Election Commission to initiate steps to stop the leaders entering into polling stations in public representatives’ status to conduct the election impartially.
He also urged the judiciary to re-review the verdict awarded to Delhi University Prof Sai Baba, who was raising his voice in support of tribal rights. He said that awarding life imprisonment to Sai Baba was regretful and the Court has to re-review its verdict keeping Sai Baba’s handicap body in view. (NSS)