Demanding the Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao to tell as on what political basis he was extending the support to the BJP NDA candidate Ramnath Kovind, CPI state secretary Chada asked KCR to tell as to what reason he has to extend support to Kovind, who was hardcore RSS idealist.
Addressing the Rangareddy district CPI executive committee meeting here on Saturday, Chada said that no doubt the state needed the centre’s assistance but KCR opposes BJP in the state by giving an impression that he was a secularist and at the same time he was extending support to all the decisions taken by the BJP and RSS. “KCR is adopting dual standards”, he alleged.
Demanding KCR to tell the reasons as to why he was extending support to Kovind and BJP, Chada called upon the cadre to wage movement against state and central governments, which were adopting anti-people policies.
CPI leaders Bala Mallesh, Pusthakala Narsing Rao, Kavali Narsimha, Ravindra Chary, Parvathalu, Oruganti Yadaiah, Palamakula Jangaiah, Narsimha Reddy, Sayyed Afsar, Prabhu Lingam, Jangaiah and others participated in the meeting held at Maqdhoom Bhavan. (NSS)