CPI Andhra Pradesh state secretary K Ramakrishna has advised Telugu states Chief Ministers N Chandrababu Naidu and K Chandrasekhar Rao to watch the Mahesh Babu starred Telugu film ‘Bharat Ane Nenu’ while sitting amidst people. He alleged that Chandrababu kept the colleges, schools, hospitals, medical colleges in the hands of private persons. The Chandrabbau government was doing service to the corporate. The government handed over the land grabbed from the farmers at Amaravathi to seven private colleges’ managements. The government was weakened local bodies and not conducting elections to local bodies.
Speaking to the media here on Tuesday, Ramakrishna alleged that KCR didn’t give appointment to even TRS leaders. Chandrababu gives appointment only to the persons wore suit and boot. He asked both the Chief Ministers to tell whether they were indulged in governance or monarchism. The CPI observed black day at 7 PM across the Andhra Pradesh state protesting the centre’s attitude towards special status to Andhra Pradesh state by switching off the lights for half an hour. (NSS)