Hyderabad: City Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar, IPS, today organized “Aatmiya Sammelanam” for the staff and family members of Malakpet Police Station, East Zone. East Zone DCP Ramesh Reddy, IPS, along with Addl DCP Govind Reddy, ACP K. Narsing Rao, Inspector Devender have cordially received all family members of police personnel at the police station and made them feel at home.
Cultural programs were organized on the occasion. Speaking on the occasion, DCP Ramesh Reddy exhorted all the parents to make their children not to neglect the use of Telugu language and also to restrict the children from use of social medias and encourage them to play outdoor games which will help their overall development
Anjani Kumar said he was organizing Aatmeeya Sammelanams for the family members of the police personnel, who are back bone of their families and it was only due to their cooperation that police personnel were able to perform duty diligently. In all, some 400 family members of police men participated in the event. Delicious dishes were served to all and the Commissioner of Police participated in the lunch. (NSS)