Etawah: Deputy Chief Minister Keshav Prasad Maurya of Uttar Pradesh inaugurated an ambulance service for taking the injured and sick cows to the vet. While in one of the other parts of UP a video got viral just after few hours of cow ambulance-service inauguration, wherein a father carried his 15-year-old dead son on his shoulder due to the lack of ambulance service in the state.
The service will be started in Lucknow, Gorakhpur, Allahabad, Mathura and Varanasi to start with. Abandoned cows who don’t milk have to live off the plastics, due to which they become sick and eventually die, reported Huffington Post.
Cows have been taken care by the state since Yogi Adityanath has become the CM of Uttar Pradesh. Moreover, he moved the cows to his residence at Lucknow from Gorakhpur is well known.
Additionally, in other states as well, actions have been taken on illegal slaughter houses. Along with a plan of providing a unique adhaar card number to all the cows in order to track them.
On the same day of the start of ambulance services, a man in UP wasn’t given an ambulance by the government hospital in Etawah, considered as one of the best hospitals in the state. A migrant worker from Assam faced a similar issue in Karnataka when he carried his dead son and could not avail an ambulance.