Bhopal: A cow died after hit by a tractor at Shivpuri, Madhya Pradesh. Later the Panchayat of the village ordered to expel the driver of the tractor and his family from the village.
According to agencies, the incident occurred at Bargawan Village in Madhya Pradesh, where instead of lodging police complaint after the death of the cow, the Panchayat ordered the driver of the tractor to leave the village along with the family.
The family of Pappu Prajapti resident of Bargawan told that on Tuesday at 8 am, Pappu was reversing the tractor, meanwhile, the vehicle hit the cow which was sitting behind. The cow died in the incident. After the incident, Pappu first called the people of the society and informed them about the incident. The society declared the matter as cow killing and decided to solve the matter through Panchayat.
The Panch led by Pancham Singh Chauhan also declared it cow killing and said it is a sin. They pronounced judgment to expel Pappu and his family from the village. After the judgment, Pappu rendered an apology and requested the panchayat to ease the punishment. Then the panchayat softened its stance and asked Pappu to take bath in the Ganges and asked him to throw a party for villagers after returning from there.
Following the Panchayat’s order, Pappu is not allowed to use village hand pump for collecting water.