New Delhi: Hockey India on Tuesday wrote to the Sports Authority of India to inform them about all the tournaments that have been postponed by the FIH due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The FIH has already postponed Asia Cup (both junior men and women), FIH Pro League (senior men) and U23 six-nations tournament (junior women).
The FIH Pro League (senior men) was slated to be played from April 24-May 5 in Germany and England.
“The new dates of the above mentioned tournaments/matches will be intimated to SAI once finalised and approved by the International Hockey Federation and the Asian Hockey Federation,” Hockey India said in its letter.
“The approved budget in the ACTC for the period up to 30 September 2020 would be utilised for foreign exposures/tournaments once the new schedule is worked out post COVID-19 situation,” the letter added.
Right now, no sport is being played as all top tournaments like IPL, Premier League, LA Liga have been suspended and there is no certain answer as to when all these competitions will resume.
Wimbledon 2020 has been cancelled for the first time since World War II and Tokyo Olympics have also been postponed for the first time.
The Olympics will now go on next year from July 23-August 8.
The World Health Organisation had termed coronavirus as a pandemic on March 11.