New Delhi: Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said on Friday that the spread of the new coronavirus is “quite under control” in the national capital so far but his government is readying itself so that even if the number of infected cases increases sharply, the administration is prepared to respond.
In a joint digital media address with Lt Governor Anil Baijal, he said Delhi has reported 39 coronavirus cases out of which 29 contracted the infection during foreign travel and infected others on their return.
“The situation is quite under control so far but we can’t sit idle. We have to make preparations to tackle the situation if the numbers go up,” Kejriwal said, assuring people that medical staff, medicines and testing kits were ready to tackle the situation even if the cases go up at a rate of 100 per day.
The chief minister also appealed to migrant workers to not leave Delhi in the wake of the 21-day lockdown across the country and said his government has sufficient food storage in the city.