Hyderabad: Nasal swabs of eight Asiatic lions housed in the city’s Nehru Zoological Park, who had tested positive for COVID-19, have been collected for tests. It is expected that the reports will be negative. Infection in the lions is believed to be the first case of human to animal transmission of the coronavirus in India.
According to a report published in The New Indian Express, the deputy director (veterinary) of the Nehru Zoological Park (NZP) said that the nasal swabs of the lions have been sent to the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB) and that results are awaited. Negative reports are expected, he added.
Meanwhile, officials said that all the animals in Hyderabad Zoo are safe and that none of them is showing any symptoms, as concerned authorities have taken steps after the detection of COVID-19 in the lions. Necessary steps are being taken in the zoo to ensure that no other animal gets infected with the virus. A team of veterinary doctors is keeping watch on animals.