Mumbai: Maharashtra on Sunday reported 9,336 fresh coronavirus positive cases and 123 fatalities, taking the tally of infections to 60,98,177 and the toll to 1,23,030, the state health department said.
A total of 3,378 patients were discharged during the day, raising the count of recoveries in Maharashtra to 58,48,693 so far, leaving the state with 1,23,225 active cases, the department said in a release.
The case recovery rate in Maharashtra now stands at 95.91 per cent and the fatality rate is 2.01 per cent.
Mumbai reported 553 cases during the day and 24 deaths, taking the caseload to 7,24 675 and the count of fatalities to 15,544, the department said.
Mumbai division reported 1,775 cases and 27 deaths, raising the tally to 16,02,903 and toll to 32,293.
Nashik division reported 669 new cases while Pune division added 2,380 infections including 764 in Satara district.
Kolhapur division reported 389 cases, Kolhapur district 1,461 and the Sangli district 1,073, as per the department.
Aurangabad division reported 194 fresh cases, Latur division 242, Akola division 97, and Nagpur division 82.
With 2,22,063 new tests, the total number of samples tested so far in Maharashtra went up to 4,25,42,943, the department said.
Maharashtra’s COVID-19 tally is as follows: Positive cases 60,98,177, deaths 1,23,030, recoveries 58,48,693, active cases 1,23,225, total tests 4,25,42,943, tests today 2,22,063.