Amaravati: After four days, Andhra Pradesh registered less than 2,000 fresh cases of coronavirus, with a positive count of 1,908 from about 80,000 tests on Saturday.
The state also reported 2,103 Covid-19 recoveries and 23 deaths in the 24 hours ending 9 am today.
The latest bulletin said the number of active cases fell marginally to 20,375.
AP so far logged 19,80,258 Covid-19 positives, 19,46,370 recoveries and 13,513 deaths, the bulletin said.
East Godavari district continued to report a large number of daily cases, adding 438 in 24 hours, followed by Chittoor 231, Guntur 216, SPS Nellore 213, Krishna 192, Prakasam 186 and West Godavari 119.
The remaining six districts added less than 90 new cases each.
Krishna reported four fresh fatalities, Chittoor, Guntur and West Godavari three each, Anantapuramu, SPS Nellore, East Godavari and Prakasam two each in a day.
Srikakulam and Visakhapatnam had one fresh coronavirus death each.
Three districts did not report any fatalities.