New Delhi : A Delhi court on Saturday deferred its order for June 6 on the complaint filed against Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan for allegedly hurting religious sentiments, by entering the sets of a temple wearing shoes while shooting for reality show ‘Bigg Boss 9’.
Earlier on June 1, the Delhi court reserved its order on the same matter.
In an Action Taken Report (ATR), the police had earlier said that Shah Rukh and Salman were shooting at a makeshift temple, which was part of the sets in a studio for the reality show and had no intention to hurt religious sentiments.
The report was filed following court’s order on the complaint lodged by advocate Gaurav Gulati who sought registration of an FIR against the two actors, Colors channel and director and producer of ‘Bigg Boss 9’ for alleged offences under sections 295A (deliberate and malicious acts intended to outrage religious feelings), 298(uttering words with deliberate intent to wound religious feelings) and 34 (common intention) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC).
The complaint alleged that in a video being circulated, Shah Rukh and Salman were seen wearing shoes on the sets of the temple while shooting for an episode of ‘ Bigg Boss 9’ where the idol can be seen in the background.
The complaint against the two actors was filed in Roop Nagar Police Station. (ANI)