Hyderabad: A Covid-19 positive case was found at Dabeerpura, Sultanpura on Friday night. On receipt of information a medical team reached the patient’s house located at Sultanpura and sought all the details.
63-year-old Syed Ameen was shifted to Gandhi Hospital where tests were conducted and he was found Covid-19 positive. Medical team cordoned off Dabeerpura area and began inspection of all residents. Medical checkup will be done for all those residing within the radius of one kilometer of his house. Medical in charge Birjisunnisa told this.
She told that Syed Ameen had gone to Delhi on March 14 and returned to the city on March 18. He travelled by train. His contacts will be checked. Syed Ameen runs a shop at Patel Market. Medical team will also cordon off Patel market. The devotees of the Masjid where Ameen used to pray will also undergo medical checkup. Details of his family members, relatives, customers who approached him during the period will also be collected and they will be inspected.
Ameen was first treated at Durru Shehvar hospital on March 25. Later samples were collected in Gandhi hospital where tests were conducted and he was found positive for Coronavirus.
Two suspects found in Habeeb Nagar and Syed Nagar
Two more suspects were found in the city, one in Habeeb Nagar and one in Syed Nagar, First Lancer. A woman is found suspect in Habeeb Nagar. On receipt of information Medical team reached the house. Both have a travel history to Dubai. Both have been kept in quarantine.