The Dabeerpura police today rescued the one and a half year old girl syeda Rabbab Madani from the maid servant who kidnapped her yesterday.
Inspector Dabeerpura Mr. Prassana Kumar told that the maid servant Parveen
after kidnapping the girl Rabbab Madani from her residence yerterday evening was hiding at her relatives place at shamshabad.
On credible information the police reaided the hide out the kidnapper an rescued the Rabbab Madani. Yesterday the father of the girl Shoukat hussain Madani filed complant with the Dabeerpura police alleging that their maid servant kidnpped his daughter after he denied to 2000 Rs. house rent towords advance.
The police yesterday night registered a kidnapping cess and today the arrested accused maid servant was sent out judicial custudy.
–Bureau Report Siasat News