Hyderabad: Though the Special Investigation Team (SIT) formed to probe into Nayeem’s illegal activities denied the allegations that the slain gangster Nayeem had ties to the police and politicians from all parties, but according to reliable sources some members of the team were quite opposed to give clean chit to political leaders and police officers.
It was made clear in the report submitted to the government that no political leader or police official had ties with Nayeem. However Mohammed Nayeemuddin alias Nayeem’s death in an ‘encounter’ in August had opened a can of worms for the police and politicians alike in Telangana. He was an accused in several cases of attempt to murder, extortion, including 9 murder cases. It was also revealed that Nayeem possessed immovable assets worth crores of rupees.
His victims who were earlier silent due to his fear, lodged complaint with various police stations after he was gunned down in August 2016. Several political leaders are said to have teamed up with Nayeem to grab land. Some TRS and Congress leaders especially TRS MLA belonging to Bhongir have also been mentioned in connection with this. Besides Additional SP of police was also said to be connected to Nayeem. Since the leaders of the party and police officials had alleged ties with Nayeem, SIT was asked not to mention the involvement of political leaders and police in its report.
The detectives are also said to have found a 200-page diary in which the slain gangster allegedly penned down valuable information about his activities, which is not being made public in order to protect the alleged politicians and police who were linked with Nayeem.
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