Hyderabad: Srinivas Rao SHO of Falaknuma police said on Friday that the lookout for the absconding husband who let three persons, claiming to be ‘exorcists’ have already been started, Husband who allowed to rape his wife on the pretext of warding off a ‘ghost’ which possessed her.
The Hyderabad City Police has placed the rapists under arrest on Friday. The rape was allegedly encouraged by her husband and his family.
Police personnel say her husband allegedly took a video of the survivor being raped and threatened her to cooperate or he would share the video online.
The shocking incident, which took place in December last year came to light recently after the survivor filed a complaint with the Falaknuma police on September 25.
According to Srinivas Rao, SHO Falaknuma police, the survivor would often quarrel with her husband. Salim and his family concluded that there was an evil spirit in her.
Based on his father’s advice, Salim approached a black magician Shaik Moosa Bawareez. Moosa after examining her, claimed that the survivor was possessed by a woman ghost who is protecting the hidden treasure in their house.
As a remedy, the ‘exorcist’ allegedly offered the solution of a ritual, which involved the survivor being stripped and raped. “This ritual involved rape.
The exorcist claimed that he is not raping his wife but ‘satisfying’ the ghost,” said Falaknuma SHO, K Srinivasa Rao.
However, as the ‘treatment’ did not work, three months later, Salim approached another ‘exorcist’. Who also allegedly raped the survivor.
“Three exorcists raped the woman in the past one year,” the station head officer said.
To ensure the survivor cooperate with the ‘ritual’, her husband allegedly filmed the rape and threatened her that he would share the video online, said the police official.
Based on the complaint, police have arrested Shaik Moosa Bawazeer and Shaik Mohsin–the ‘exorcists’ and Salim’s parents for aiding in the offense.
However, Salim and his two siblings are absconding. Police are also on the lookout for Mohsin, the third ‘exorcist’, who allegedly raped the survivor.
“We rounded up a few ‘exorcists’, but they were not the accused,” Srinivasa Rao added.
By Mohammed Hussain mohammedhussain.reporter@gmail.com