Even as Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Sangrur MP Bhagwant Mann tendered his “unconditional apology” to Lok Sabha Speaker Sumitra Mahajan for uploading a live video of his journey from his home to Parliament on Facebook, the Speaker on Friday said she was consulting everyone over the action to be taken against Mann.
She told reporters outside Parliament, “All MPs are agitated as it is a matter of security of Parliament. When Mann met me over the issue this afternoon, he expressed his willingness to apologise, but the issue cannot be resolved by merely doing so.” The Speaker said she would have taken a prompt action had he done it inside the House.
Earlier, Mann tendered an unconditional apology to the Speaker after the leaders of various political parties raised this issue in the House demanding a breach of privilege motion against him. Talking to reporters outside the Parliament, Mann, who yesterday said that he would upload another live video again tomorrow, said, “I have tendered my ‘unconditional apology’ to Madam Speaker in a letter, which I have submitted to the notice room.” Pleading innocence, Mann said, “My aim was not at all to put the Parliament in danger. I just wanted to inform the people about the procedures involved in raising a question in Parliament.”