Hyderabad: The All India Backward (SC, ST, OBC) And Minority Communities Employees Federation (BAMCEF) Telangana is going to organise Constitution Day on Saturday, November 26, from 2 to 5 pm, at Mahboob Husain Jigar Hall, Siasat premises. Experts in the field of law, sociology and representatives of various fields will address on ‘Constitution Day’.
It must be noted that Dr. B R Ambedkar had drafted and presented the constitution of India on November 26, 1950. The constitution guarantees reservations to backward classes and minorities especially Muslims however a question mark has been put on reservations to Muslims.
Mr. Jeevan Bhaleram, Delhi, General Secretary All India BAMCEF will preside over the programme. Siasat editor Mr. Zahid Ali Khan will be the chief guest. Mr. Osman Shaheed advocate, Mr. Dasram Naik, Venkat Ramulu advocate and Ghulam Rabbani advocate will address on the occasion Mr. Husain Shaheed has appealed general public to attend the symposium.
Siasat news