Hyderabad: Congress workers on Friday took to the streets and protested against the increasing fuel and Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG) prices in the country. On Friday the price of petrol, which has been rising daily from over week in the city came close to Rs. 94 per litre.
Fuel prices continued to surge for the 11th consecutive day on Friday, inching closer to the Rs. 100 mark with each passing day. LPG prices also continued to rise since January 2021, and have seen an increase by Rs. 25, costing a staggering 771.50 per 14.02kg cylinder.
Protesting the hikes, Congress workers held demonstrations in a rather unique way at the RTC X roads area on Friday. Prices are close to touching Rs.100 even in the city, even as that number has been breached in some parts of the country like Rajasthan.
Constantly chanting “Modi down down”, the workers cooked food on the street using bricks and wood. According to various media reports, Friday’s hike was the 13th time that prices went up since February 1. Prices have increased by Rs 4.01 in petrol and 4.45 in diesel per litre.
In the past 50 days, fuel prices have been hiked 23 times alone. With the common man struggling to make every day ends meet for survival, the centre on the other hand will earn approximately Rs. 1.9 Lakh crore extra from ‘taxes’ on fuel in the Financial Year 2021.