Former Union Minister and Tollywood actor Chiranjeevi on Monday said that the BJP-led NDA government failed in providing clean governance as promised and said that the party would face a drubbing in the 2019 General Elections.
Speaking to a television channel about his upcoming movie Khaidi No. 150 here, the Congress leader said that the Congress party would win the 2019 elections hands down. On demonetization, Chiranjeevi said that it was a futile exercise. “Prime Minister Narendra Modi said that the black money would be curbed by note ban, however reports say that out of Rs 15 lakh crore that was demonetized, Rs 14 lakh crore have returned into various banks, so the note ban exercise was futile and it also means that there is no black money in India,” he said adding that the note ban had pushed the masses into sever hardships and rattled rural economy.
The actor-turned politician said that the people who suffered due to note ban will definitely teach a lesson to the Modi government by voting them out. Congress should turn this stride in its favor, Chiranjeevi said.
The actor also said that had his erstwhile Praja Rajyam won the elections, there would have been social justice in the state. (INN)