New Delhi: Union Minister Mukhtar Abbas Naqvi on Friday slammed Congress over former prime minister Manmohan Singh’s comment that Congress had voted in favor of the dilution of Article 370 in Parliament and had opposed the manner in which Article 370 was abrogated, saying the opposition party has used a senior leader to deliver such statement which is a “lie”.
“I am extremely sad to learn that Congress used such a senior leader to deliver a statement on the matter of abrogation of Article 370. Singh has been defamed for his comment. The senior leader was asked to lie in front of everyone, this is extremely sad,” Naqvi told ANI.
Singh had told reporters in Mumbai on Thursday that party had voted in favor of the dilution of Article 370 in Parliament but was opposed to the high-handed manner in which the government had done it.
Naqvi also targeted Singh for his comment about the lack of hope about the Indian economy reaching the target of five trillion dollars by 2024.
Naqvi said people were facing high inflation during the rule of Congress-led UPA and the economy too was not doing well.
“During Modi-led BJP’s term, the party has made sure that people do not face problems. The foundations of our economy are now strong and people who could not handle the economy well should not give us lessons about it,” said Naqvi.