Hyderabad: TRS leadership took serious exception to the Opposition Congress and the Telugu Desam parties forging an unethical alliance for the Assembly elections. Animal Husbandry Minister Talasani Srinivas Yadav today slammed that the arch rivals joining hands will do nothing and cannot stop the victory of the TRS in the ensuring elections, he remarked.
“Setting aside their ideologies, the Congress and the TDP getting together was not correct. The TRS has no coterie as was being rumored and the party boss KCR directive will be abide by everyone”, he noted. He also appealed to the leaders and the activists, who were denied tickets for the elections should not take a hasty decision to join other parties as the TRS party will provide them other opportunities.
Despite such ridiculous electoral alliance, the TRS will take on any big alliances and will retain power with complete majority, he said, adding that KCR will remain Chief Minister. The Congress was noted for corruption and the TDP was born to fight against it and now playing opportunistic politics, he said. In 72 years of Independence, no other government was able to check power crisis which was done by the TRS Government in six months.
Besides, the KCR Government has been implementing several welfare schemes for the poor, he claimed. The ruling party addressed power crisis problem and has been supplying 24-hour power to farm sector, domestic, industry and IT sectors, Srinivas Yadav said. He said the Congress lost confidence in the elections and was moving courts. (NSS)