Hyderabad: Caretaker Minister, KT Rama Rao today lashed out at the Congress for turning its eyes red as the previous Palamur district is getting green with the TRS regime completing the irrigation projects and flourishing agriculture. He was addressing a huge crowd in an election campaign meeting at Kalwakurthy along with minister Jupally Krishna Rao and others. KT Rama Rao said that Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao has brought smiles on poor people’s face with his progressive schemes and policies in the past four and a half years.
“Agriculture has been the top priority of KCR who provided complete support to farmers in the form of Rythu Bandhu and also made sure that farmers received a timely supply of seeds and fertilizers,” he said.
“If TRS comes to power, KCR as promised will increase the Rythu Bandhu investment support amount from eight thousand per acre per year to ten thousand per acre per year,” he added.
He mentioned that it was Congress who filed false cases in courts on Palamuru irrigation project. “Decades of Congress rule and TDP government’s negligence are responsible for the backwardness of Palamuru region,” he added.
“A vote for Congress and TDP would halt the progress of the region,” he said. KTR sought the support of the people and urged them to write their own destiny with their vote.
Chandrababu wrote letters against the projects and going to Delhi to stall them and the congress is coming in the way of growth. On coming to power the TRS will give Rs 10000 towards crop investment under Rythu Bandhu and pensions to 57 years old people. So far 8 lakh acres brought under irrigation in the previous Palamur district including 1.10 lakh acres in Kalwakurty area he claimed.