Congress women’s wing chief Shobha Oza on Saturday demanded stern action against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Meenakshi Lekhi, for revealing the surname of the victim of the sexual assault case involving former Tehelka editor-in-chief Tarun Tejpal on Twitter .
“This is the most unfortunate part that the BJP which calls itself a serious party, one is its members had done this. Meenakshi Lekhi is a senior leader, a woman, and above all she is a lawyer. If she had spoken about it by mistake, it was still acceptable considering it to be a slip of tongue. But she exposed the aggrieved journalist’s last name on her twitter page, and she should be punished for such an irresponsible behaviour,” she said.
Earlier in the day, Lekhi denied revealing the victim’s last name, and said that a person, who is aware of the law, would never attempt such an act.
“I never made any statement at the first place as I am well aware of the consequences, and a person who is aware of it will never attempt such an act. I clarified my stand and maintained what I had to. I have been the front-runner and helped NCW and such organization,” she said.
She further said that her Gmail and Facebook accounts have been hacked in the past, and added that she immediately clarified and filed a report to the police.
She had earlier on Friday admitted to have disclosed the last name of the victim, and made an apology but she rubbished it by saying that she never made any such official statement. (ANI)