The Congress Monday reacted strongly to Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi’s query as to who footed the Rs.1,880 crore bill for UPA chairperson Sonia Gandhi’s treatment abroad, terming his remark as irresponsible.
“The remark is irresponsible. It shows his frustration,” Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari said.
Janata Party chief Subramanian Swamy quoted Modi in his tweet message and hinted that a PIL may be filed in the matter.
Modi criticised the central government for questioning his government for spending money on festivities and celebrations. He said the state should not be questioned when the central government has itself spent Rs.1,880 crore for Gandhi’s foreign trips and “treatment abroad” over three years.
Tewari hit back at Modi saying if the BJP leader wanted to talk about morality, he should first order a probe into various scams in the state worth Rs.1 lakh core in the past decade.
Gandhi had gone abroad Sep 1 for a routine medical check-up and returned after a week. She had gone to the US for a surgery related to an undisclosed ailment last year.