New Delhi: With just 20 days to go for the vote to the 288-member Maharashtra Assembly, the Congress here on Tuesday announced 52 more candidates, which included former Chief Minister Prithviraj Chavan from Karad South and ex-Chief Minister Vilasrao Deshmukh’s son Dheeraj Vilasrao Deshmukh from the Latur (rural seat).
Congress General Secretary Mukul Wasnik released the list that included Subhash R. Dhote from the Rajura seat. Dhote has been accused of molesting a tribal girl studying in the nursing college, run by his family.
On Sunday, the party had announced the list of 51 candidates. With Tuesday’s list, the Congress has finalised 103 candidates for the Assembly polls.
It has fielded former Chief Minister Ashok Chavan from the Bhokar and state party chief Vijay, alias Balasaheb Thorat from Sangamner.
The Assembly will go to polls on October 21 and counting of votes will take place on October 24. The last date of filing nominations is October 4.