New Delhi: Congress minority cell chief Nadeem Javed alleged that unidentified persons manhandled him outside the Islamic Centre on Tuesday. Filing a complaint with the police, he stated that he could not identify the persons who roughed him up. The senior police official also confirmed the receipt of the complaint and said police is looking into the matter.
Business Standard has quoted Javed as saying, “I met a few journalists over lunch. When I came out about 3-4 people tried to catch hold of me and pull me…some allegations were made that I owed money and so on. I said if there was any transaction I have made, there would be a record and there are institutions they can approach.”
The video which went viral shows that some people roughed him up when he was about to leave in his car. Nadeem Javed told Inquilab that it was a political attack. He alleged that he is being intimidated to suppress his voice. He further told that since he was active in Delhi University Students Union elections he was attacked just a day before polling to stop him from taking an active part in the elections.