New Delhi: Following the footsteps of party colleague Jairam Ramesh, Congress leaders Abhishek Singhvi and Shashi Tharoor on Friday also began singing praises for Prime Minister. They said “demonising” Narendra Modi was “wrong” and the prime minister should be praised for doing the right things.
Modi’s acts must be judged “issue-wise, not person-wise” said Singhvi. On the other hand Tharoor said praising the prime minister for doing the right things would lend credibility to the opposition’s criticism of him.
Singhvi tweeted: “Always said demonising #Modi wrong. No only is he #PM of nation, a one way opposition actually helps him. Acts are always good, bad & indifferent—they must be judged issue wise and nt person wise. Certainly, #ujjawala scheme is only one amongst other good deeds. #Jairamramesh”
Joining Singhvi, Tharoor said, “As you know, I have argued for six years now that Narendra Modi should be praised whenever he says or does the right thing, which would add credibility to our criticisms whenever he errs. I welcome others in opposition coming around to a view for which I was excoriated at the time.”
Party spokesperson Manish Tiwari skirted the question at the AICC briefing about the Congress leaders’ comments that Modi should be praised for doing the right things. He suggested the question should be asked to the persons in question. He said “As far as the Congress Party is concerned, we believe that there is a serious economic crisis in the country. The crisis is impacting the employment situation and we are extremely concerned and worried about it.”
According to reports, at a book launch on Wednesday, former Union minister Ramesh had said Modi’s governance model was “not a complete negative story” and added that not recognising his work and “demonising” him all the time was not going to help.