Barabanki : Amidst the fight to win the race between Congress and ruling party BJP, trying their hard luck to win the ongoing UP’s elections, actor turned Politician Raj Babbar has also arrived in UP’s Barabanki to ask for votes for his party’s candidates.
While addressing the forum, Raj Babbar has targeted ruling party Bharatiya Janata Party calling it a hunter who uses religion to make communal violence making Hindus and Muslims its prey ahead of elections.
He said Congress will hunt such predators and save the people from their atrocities stating that BJP party worships Ram for his power.
Appealing the public to help the congress win in the ongoing municipal elections he said predators like BJP surface ahead of elections like the hunters who are ready to hunt their preys and subject either Muslims or the Hindus adding that BJP party shall soon loose its power.
Pramod Tiwari, who was also present on the stage with Raj Babbar, said that within 15 days of Rahul Gandhi taking seat as nation’s Prime Minister, the introduced GST will see its end.
He said people from all sections are troubled over GST since the prices have drastically sky rocketing.
Raj Babbar, Pramod Tiwari, along with Rajya Sabha MP Dr. PL Punia, Tanuj Punia and many Congressmen were also present in the public meeting at Barabanki