Palitana (Gujarat): Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched a blistering attack on the Congress party saying that the latter hates Gujarat, development, poor and him.
Referring to Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi, the prime minister said the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) has the legacy of ‘Fakir Gandhi’ while the Congress “has the legacy of royalty”.
“They (Congress) hate development, they hate Gujarat, they hate Modi and now they hate sweat also. That is because they have never had to sweat it out in life and work hard. They are mocking everyone who works hard. This is their mindset. Such hatred for the poor is shocking,” the prime minister said while addressing a rally in Palitana.
“They were born with all privileges and are disconnected with the roots,” he added.
He further said it was due to the Congress party, there was shortage of water in Gujarat 22-year ago.
The prime minister accused the grand-old-party of delaying the Narmada project and said that if party would have remained in power, the water of River Narmada would have never reached the farmers.
“Do you remember the water shortage in the region? This is because the Congress controlled the tanker business. It suited them to have this shortage. The BJP has changed this in the last 22 years. We have made the tanker industry irrelevant,” he said. (ANI)