Hyderabad: Caretaker Minister KT Rama Rao today slammed the congress regime has miserably failed to complete irrigation projects in 60 years while the TRS regime has given waters to about 9 lakh acres including 1.50 lakh acres in Achchampet segment. He was addressing a public meeting at Achchampet segment along with MLA candidate G Balraj, caretaker ministers Jupally Krishna Rao, Lakshma Reddy and others.
He ridiculed that the Election Commission has offered symbols to the parties Congress got hand for showing empty hand to people, BJP got lotus flower for putting flowers in the ears of the people. He also claimed the EC given Car symbol to the TRS as it will go speed for rapid growth of the state. He appealed to people to give diesel support to the Car in the elections and let it go speed for achieving rapid development.
He called upon the people to bury the unethical alliance of the congress, Telugu Desam, CPI and TJS. While the TRS regime has offered Rs 36000 cr for Palamur project, the TD chief N Chandrababu Naidu wrote 30 letters against the same. The people should be wary of the mahakutami as it will only add to irrigation projects and mission bhagiratha he said.
The congress regime did not develop the state and now stalling growth being taken by the TRS regime in four and half years. The people should choose the platform of KCR for welfare or the Mahakutami which will stop all the schemes. He was wondered as to why the past regimes forced people to migrate for eking out livelihood to other states and nations. Vote for Balraj and support the KCR leadership who will be next chief minister. Can the congress come clear on the chief minister candidate as it comprises about 40 leaders for the top post to be cleared by Delhi through a sealed cover.
Vote for KCR victory who can take on prime Minister Narendra Modi, Rahul Gandhi, Chandrababu or the God for the benefit of the people he said. He announced sops to the segment including education, health and projects.