Criticising BJP leader Arun Jaitley’s statements on judiciary, Congress on Sunday said he should have the conviction of saying things clearly instead of “casting aspersions by insinuation”.
“Rather then cast aspersions by insinuation, he should have the conviction of saying certain things squarely if he knows them to be true,” Congress spokesperson Manish Tewari said here.
He was referring to the statement of Jaitley, Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha, that “pre-retirement judgements are influenced by a desire for a post-retirement job.”
Tewari said as a former Law Minister, Jaitley knows well that certain statutory and regulatory bodies can only be headed by serving and retired judges. “Obviously, he has not made this statement out of ignorance,” he said.
“…This clamour for post retirement jobs is adversely affecting impartiality of the judiciary of the country and time has come that it should come to an end,” Jaitley said earlier today addressing a programme of BJP’s legal cell.