Lucknow: Three days ahead of Rajya Sabha Polls, UP Congress Chief Raj Babbar has resigned from his post yesterday late evening a day after Congress Chief Rahul publicly said it is time that veterans step aside from their posts and let young leaders lead the party.
Two days back, Goa Congress Chief Shantaram Naik has quit the party saying he followed Congress Chief Rahul’s advice, which was followed by Raj Babbar on Tuesday.
Now speculations of Gujarat PCC chief Bharatsinh Solanki following the suit are doing rounds leaving three positions vacant.
While addressing his speech Rahul had said he would use persuade the veteran leaders rather than using coercion to bring in new young leaders to these top posts.
Though the Party has not yet confirmed whether or not it has accepted Raj Babbar’s resignation, the Party made it clear he would hold the position until a new leader is assigned his post.
According to the Sources, Congress is planning to introduce a Brahmin face for the key post to counter BJP’s strategy of consolidating non-Yadav OBC and non-Jatav Dalit votes.
The potential frontrunners for the key position are former Union minister Jitin Prasad, former MP Rajesh Mishra and former MLA Laliteshpati Tripathi, all Brahmins, are among the frontrunners.
Raj Babbar, however, took to Twitter to inform about his resignation, where he quoted a cryptic poet Kedarnath Singh’s poetry — “Aaj ghar main ghusa toh ajeeb drishya tha, suniye mere bistar ne kaha”— yeh raha mera isteefa (resignation), main apne kapaas ke bheetar jaana chahta hoon (Today when i reached home, my bed offered its resignation, telling me it wants to go back to its original self (turn into cotton),” TOI reported.