New Delhi: Congress leader Shakeel Ahmed on Thursday said that Shiv Sena is practicing dual standards by opposing the concert of Pakistani ghazal singer Ghulam Ali as the latter had welcomed Pakistan cricketer Javed Miandad earlier.
“When Javed Miandad had come, then Shiv Sena chief had welcomed him, but when some other artist from Pakistan comes, they behave in a different way. Shiv Sena and BJP have always been doing politics over it, there is nothing new,” Ahmed told ANI.
Earlier, in a letter to the management of the Shanmughananda Hall, Shiv Sena’s film wing “Chitrapat Sena” said if it went ahead with the programme featuring the artist from Pakistan they will have to face the “anger of Shiv Sena and the patriotic people.
However, the show was cancelled after the organiser of the concert, Randhir Roy, said that Ghulam Ali would not be coming for the event scheduled for October 9. (ANI)