Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao today said that the Congress will not get 10 seats in the next elections as the TRS is set to sweep them while the BJP will lose the current seats. It is joke that the BJP exists in the state and we have seen its capacity in GHMC elections he said.
Addressing a press conference after holding a TRS MPs parliamentary meeting at Pragathi Bhavan here, he said that according to a survey the TRS will sweep the next elections and the Congress will not get even 10 seats and the BJP will lose the existing seats KCR said. He ridiculed that TPCC chief N Utham Kumar Reddy for making baseless charges against him and his beard will not fetch votes which was a age old formula. The people, who fed up with the Congress and the BJP, will decide our fate and vote for the TRS for welfare and development he said. He also said that the TRS MPs will raise the voice in parliament during budget session on state issues. (NSS)