Meerut (Uttar Pradesh): Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Tuesday said that if the Congress, SP, and BSP have faith in ‘Ali,’ then “we have faith in Bajrangbali.”
“Mayawati in her speech in Saharanpur says that if they get Muslim votes, then they will not need any other’s vote. If Congress, SP, and BSP trust Ali, then we have faith in Bajrangbali,” said the Chief Minister while addressing an election rally here.
“They have agreed that followers of Bajranbali will never forgive them. That is why they go on stages and cry ‘Ali-Ali’ and they want to send a ‘green virus’ to bite the country,” he said.
Addressing an election rally at Saharanpur’s Deoband town, Mayawati had said: “I appeal to Muslims that the Congress is not capable of defeating the BJP. Only the alliance parties are capable of doing it. The Congress does not want the alliance to win. I appeal to Muslims that vote for the alliance only. Do not vote for the Congress.”
Chief Minister Yogi said: “There is no need to bring ‘green virus’ in western Uttar Pradesh. People should destroy Congress, SP and BSP, and RLD. This green virus should be eliminated from the politics of the country.”
The BJP leader accused ‘Mahagathbandhan’ of standing with rioters of Muzzafarnagar in 2013.
“When Muzzafarpur riots happened, where were the people of SP-BSP-RLD? Jat and Jatav were being killed. They stood with rioters and were using the same language which they used in Saharanpur rally. There cannot be any compromise on the security,” he said.