Congress Rajya Sabha member, Hanumanth Rao strongly objected on Chief Minister’s absence in government function held in connection with Minority Welfare Day. He said Chief Minister has no time to pay tributes to Maulana Azad and to express sympathy towards minorities.
Addressing a function held at Ravindra Bharathi, Hanumanth Rao said chief minister’s absence in function held to honour such a great personality is unwarrantable. He further said when Maulana Azad was sent to jail for taking part in freedom struggle, his wife was seriously ill but for Maulana Azad preferred the country over his wife. It is unfortunate that Chief Minister has no time to pay tribute to such a great man. Hanumanth Rao said people had arrived at the function to listen to Chief Minister; what would be his announcements regarding minorities, but they were disappointed.
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