Cong moves privilege notice against Rajnath Singh for his statement on Rahul

New Delhi: Congress MP Manickam Tagore on Wednesday moved a privilege notice against Defence Minister Rajnath Singh over his statement on Rahul Gandhi under Rule 222 of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Lok Sabha for violating Rule 352 (vii) and Rule 353 during his address to the Lok Sabha on March 13.

The notice said that when Parliament was called into session and the members were assembled in the House, Rajnath Singh addressed the Lok Sabha and without offering any advance notice, made defamatory statements against Congress leader and Member of Parliament Rahul Gandhi.

“These defamatory statements of Shri Rajnath Singh were supported by unfounded allegations and have even been repeated by several members of parliament. Furthermore, what is alarming is the fact that such blatant character assassination of a member of parliament is not only being allowed but encouraged since Shri Rahul Gandhi has not been given any opportunity to defend himself or refute the allegations raised against him.”

The notice said that Singh, while making these defamatory and undignified statements has neither provided any source from where he had gathered the information nor has he presented any documentary or likewise evidence to support his claims against Rahul Gandhi.

“Therefore, Shri Rajnath Singh has clearly violated Rule 352 (ii) and Rule 353 of the L.S Rules and the matter has to be taken up for action against the said Member on priority,” it said.