Demanding the Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao to initiate action against the Achampet MLA Guvvala Balaraju, who slapped Makthal MLA Ch Rammohan Reddy on Friday at ZP meeting, the Congress MLAs have tried to lay seize to the CM Camp office here on Saturday evening. The Congress MLAs, first met the Governor ESL Narasimhan and submitted a memorandum asking the latter to make the government to react on the Mahabubnagar incident.
Later, they tried to meet the Chief Minister at his Camp Office. The Congress MLAs went in a rally towards CM Camp office, but the police obstructed them at Rajiv Gandhi Chowrasta and arrested them. The police shifted them to Punjagutta Police Station.
Speaking on the occasion, the TPCC Chief N Uttam Kumar Reddy alleged that it was not proper on the part of the Chief Minister, who has not reacted on the issue yet. Former Minister and Ch Rammohan Reddy’s sister DK Aruna alleged that K Chandrashekar Rao, who failed to react on the issue, has no right to continue as the Chief Minister. CLP leader K Jana Reddy alleged that it was not correct on the part of the government to arrest them as they were trying to meet the Chief Minister at his Camp Office to explain the incident.
Congress leaders V Hanumantha Rao, MLCs Ponguleti Sudhakar Reddy, Farookh Hussain and MS Prabhakar, MLA Sampath and other participated in the rally. (NSS)