Confusing aspirants preparing for competitive exams in Urdu unacceptable: TPUS Chairman

Hyderabad: Telangana Padmashali Udyogula Sangam (TPUS) Chairman Padma Chary said Tuesday that any effort to confuse aspirants preparing for competitive exams in Urdu shall be unacceptable.

Chary was replying to a statement made by the Telangana state BJP President Bandi Sanjay that if his party comes to power in Telangana it will dismiss all those officials holding positions in the state after writing competitive exams in the Urdu language.

 The TPUS Chairman condemned Bandi Sanjay’s statement and said that there is no question of dismissing anyone from services after passing the competitive exams conducted as per the country’s laws.

 The government has the right to conduct exams in any of the languages recognized in the Indian Constitution.  If the Telangana government cabinet decided to hold competitive exams in Urdu it would be absolutely valid. “Those passing these exams  shall be appointed without any doubt.”

“Not only in Telangana but in different states of the country, competitive exams are being held in Hindi, English, regional language, and Urdu.  The Union Public Service Commission also conducts exams in Urdu,” Chary said.

“Bandi Sanjay’s statement is an effort to confuse aspirants preparing for exams in Urdu.  The exam aspirants should ignore his statement and must focus on preparing for the exams,” TPUS Chairman said.